Bedbug Season is here, but Survey Shows the Public Struggles to Learn Bedbug Basics

New Survey Shows Large Portions of the Public Still Get Basic Bedbug Info Wrong 

Lawrenceville, N.J.—Bedbug season is here and despite public awareness campaigns, a national survey shows that large swaths of the public are unable to answer the most basic questions about bedbugs correctly. Entomologists urge that having a basic understanding of bedbug biology and behavior will be essential to reducing the spread of infestations this summer.
A recent survey conducted by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) highlights the public’s general lack of knowledge about bedbugs and the imperative for continued public education and awareness. Consider these telling statistics:
  • 45 percent of respondents incorrectly believed that bedbugs transmit disease to humans even though no research to date has shown this to be true.
  • 29 percent of respondents believed that bedbugs are more common in low-income housing. This statistic is debatable; however, bedbugs show no preference to socio-economic status and are found throughout all segments.
  • 37 percent of respondents said bedbugs were attracted to dirty homes, although bedbugs do not discriminate based on cleanliness.
  • Only 13 percent of respondent answered all three questions correctly, while a staggering 39 percent of respondents answered all three questions incorrectly.
According to research entomologist Jeffrey White of BedBug Central, these numbers may be even higher in areas of the country that are just beginning to experience severe infestations.
“I have collaborated with pest management professionals throughout the country and unfortunately we can expect these numbers to be higher in regions that have only recently seen bedbugs begin their resurgence,” said White. “What’s more worrisome is that this survey looks at only the most basic questions about bedbugs. I expect the knowledge gap for information about treatment and prevention is even wider.”
As bedbug season begins to ramp up in the summer months, BedBug Central is developing new initiatives to educate the public that include working with local and regional pest management firms across the country to help them create effective community outreach plans.  In fact, BedBug Central has received the highest honors from the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) for its efforts to increase public education and awareness about bedbug prevention and treatment strategies. However, despite these efforts, many people still cannot answer basic bedbug facts.
“With bedbugs spreading into previously unaffected rural regions and cities, grassroots communication plans will be essential for educating communities and engaging civic leadership,” said Calvin Allen, Director of Public Relations, BedBug Central. “If adopted early enough, these initiatives can have a profound impact in curtailing infestations levels.”
To learn more information about bedbug treatment and prevention as peak activity periods for bedbugs begin visit BedBug Central.
About BedBug Central
BedBug Central serves as the an authoritative information resource and website available to the public for information concerning bed bugs and bed bug related issues concerning health, prevention, and treatment methods.More information can be obtained at